Following its earlier reporting on anti-trafficking efforts ahead of the Paris Olympics, Christian Daily International reached out to the Europe Freedom Network (EFN) again to ask how they would assess the results, now that the games are over.
A spokeswoman for EFN said measuring the impact of the evangelical network’s awareness raising campaigns with its members was difficult because results “are not known immediately, if ever.”
Even so, some “impressions and reflections” about the hard work by EFN members in tackling trafficking issues allow for some positive conclusions, and identifying some areas where more work is needed in the future.
Alliance de L’Esperance and 27 Million from Mexico, both anti-trafficking organizations, alongside other EFN partners came up with new innovative ideas to raise awareness.
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Dans le cadre du réseau européen European Freedom Network, nous avons été sollicités pour répondre aux questions de Christian Daily autour de la traite et des Jeux Olympiques. Les JO sont maintenant terminés, il est difficile d’attester des résultats de nos actions et de celles de nos partenaires pour le moment. Mais nous continuons à combattre la traite des êtres humains partout où elle existe et nous savons déjà que les actions unies du corps du Christ portent leurs fruits. Article en anglais mais vous pouvez retrouver notre interview en français pour Phare FM.